Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Butuh info tentang Korea?

Diposting oleh CallMeNdre di 02.32 0 komentar

Chinggudeul, mau dapat informasi tentang Korea?

KTO rekomendasikan beberapa situs-situs terpercaya terkait budaya, bahasa, wisata, hiburan, makanan Korea dll. Melalui situs-situs online ini Chinggudeul bisa mengeksplorasi Korea dan menambahkan pengetahuan Korea dan bisa ketemu Chinggudeul dari berbagai negara.

Situs-situs ini bisa juga chinggudeul manfaatkan untuk dijadikan referensi guna mengikuti event PEMILIHAN TOUCH KOREA TOUR PENGALAMAN TIM EVENT.

Jika Chinggudeul sedang bikin postingan tentang makanan bisa cari info dari situs  terutama KTO, Buzz Korea, Hansik.

Jika Chinggudeul sedang bikin postingan tentang cara promosi Korea bisa cari di KTO, Buzz Korea dan Korea.net.
Chinggudeul juga bisa dapat inspirasi untuk event melalui YouTube, Facebook dan Twitter situs masing-masing.

Semoga info ini bisa membantu Chinggudeul untuk menambahkan pengetahuan Korea.

Berikut beberapa link terkait dengan Korea:

Korea Tourism Organization

Homepage : http://www.visitkorea.or.kr/intro.html
Facebook KTO JAKARTA : https://www.facebook.com/Koreatourismorganizationindonesiaoffice
Twitter KTO JAKARTA : https://twitter.com/#!/KTOJakarta
YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/visitkorea


Website : http://english.visitkoreayear.com/english/main.asp
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/visitkoreayear
Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/VisitKorea_Eng

Korea's 5 spiciest dishes

Diposting oleh CallMeNdre di 01.38 0 komentar

Get ready to burn a hole in your gut and cry like a baby alongside our most fearless -- and slightly masochistic -- Korean foodie

In some countries, red symbolizes good luck. In Korea, it often just means get ready for some really really really really really stupidly hot food.
My mission: find the spiciest, most lip-burning, tongue-scalding, stomach-scorching dish in Korea.
But why?
Strange as it might sound, for me and many fellow Koreans, spice is therapy.
There's something cathartic about feeling like your brain is on fire; it's a sentiment many Koreans relate to.
In a country where extreme spice is considered as basic as salt and pepper, a sensible response to “I’m so stressed out” is “let’s go wolf down something terribly spicy."
After a month of setting my spicebuds on fire, I bring you my five favorite spicy Korean dishes. 

5. Buldak (Fire chicken)

spicy korean
Chili-soaked buldak at Hongcho Red Station -- like dropping a lit match into your stomach. A very tasty lit match.
Spice rating:
This savory barbecued chicken dish covered in chili-loaded sauce became immensely popular a few years ago when the Korean economy was going through a rough patch -- see what I mean about Koreans and spice therapy?
Buldak started a boom for extraordinarily hot dishes in Korea and it remains popular at many pubs. Along with a cold beer, of course.
If you want to tone down the heat, order buldak surrounded by a ring of mozzarella cheese to melt away the misery.
Social heat: You can enjoy buldak, remark upon how spicy it is and still have a normal conversation. Good to share with an old friend you want to catch up with.
Set your tongue on fire at:
Hongcho Red Station, 817-33 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (홍초레드스테이션 서울특별시시 강남구 역삼동 817-33); +82 2 3452 6878

4. Tteokbokki (rice and fish cakes in chili sauce)

spicy korean
Great for takeout, meaning you can wince like a baby in privacy.
Spice rating: 
Soft rice cakes and fish cakes cooked in sweet red chili sauce, tteokbokki is one of Korea’s most loved snacks and comfort foods.

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